Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ebay induced laughter

I've gotta laugh at some of the stuff I see on eBay. I deal with eBay for a lot of work stuff but also some personal things. For the most part, it's a bunch of crap that other people are trying to pawn off on the gullible society that we are. Some, but very few, of the items are worth the cost and hassle, depending on what you're looking for. There are some areas that you can go that should be X-rated (the pictures anyway) and tossed into some searches are the odd ball things that make me giggle.

For example:
One guy is selling a box of his ex-girlfriends things. Stuff like shoes, shirts, Cds and what looks like a pocketbook. According to his listing, his current girlfriend is mad that this stuff is still around and he doesn't want to lose her because she "cooks for him and brings him beer".

There's a listing for "Lazy Mexican kids make $100 and hour". I'm afraid to click on it.

An Empty bottle of Grand Marnier "drunk by two gold diggers", picture is of two blonds rubbing each other's breasts, is for sale and currently going for $4.25.

Two "real" buffalo heads, mounted together are currently going for $520, yes, people are actually bidding on it.

Some guy is selling his "Ding Dong" and some chick is selling her "Booty". A Bigfoot foot casting, "the" spear that pierced Christ (someones gonna burn for that one), A Kangaroo Scrotum purse (eewww) and some guy is trying to sell his Mother-In-Law (his 3rd attempt).

Another good one, a "Cheat lock Male chastity belt with guard and rear shield" hehehehehehehe, "rear shield", hehehe.

Atkins lover bacon designed bandaids, with free toy! Yes, the bandaids really do look like bacon. I wonder if you lick them... never mind, I really don't want to know, nor do I want to know what the "free toy" is.

This is just a sample of what is currently listing. I've heard stories about a guy who sold his soul and the guy who bought it because he thought it would be funny to own someones soul. The best one I saw was listing a few years ago. It was a guy selling his ex-wife's wedding dress. He didn't have many women friends to model it for him, so he modeled it himself, complete with shaved head and wicked tattoos on his arms. He wanted to sell it to make enough money to have a burger and some beers with his friends. He figured it would piss off his ex-father-in-law too, extra bonus. He did end up selling the dress for about $1500 which goes to show you, girls, never leave your dress behind!

I wonder if I can sell my collection of old smelly shoes? Size 9 anyone?

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