Thursday, April 12, 2007

Perpetually Happy People

Some people really should be shot. There are a few that are so perpetually happy I have to wonder what the real story is. Are they really evil and hide it from the world with a shiny smile or are they pumped up on drugs, serious drugs like caffeine? I always try to smile (it confuses people) but there are days when if would like to shoot elephant tranquilizer darts out of my eyeballs if anyone dares to get in my way. The mood doesn't last long and it can be enjoyable to see people running away from me but after a while I just have to breathe deep and realize it really doesn't matter. Whatever "it" may be. I need to find good in all that is aggravating me, maybe I'll smile for the rest of the day.

Today, "it" seems to be a few things:

Bad / Good
Cold Rain - Yuck, burrrr / Happy spring flowers, soon!
Rechargeable batteries not charging in mouse / Excuse to buy new mouse
3 weeks of dealing with 1 stupid user's whining / Gave him the "look" (see above)
So frustrated I'm not hungry / Need to lose a couple anyway
Management not able to make a decision / Less for me to work on
Home furnace not working right / Haven't found a good one for this yet.
Everyone around me is sick / I'm not... yet

Well, I'm still cranky, it's still raining and I still don't trust our furnace to deliver heat and hot water when I get home. My husband seems to be OK with it though. Men. (Just think honey, I can blog about all the things that you do that aggravate me! I feel better already! Just kidding.... big smile) :D

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