Monday, August 18, 2008

The Next President

I swear, if Harrison Ford was running for President, I would vote for him. Not the Indiana Jones character but when he played the President trapped on Air Force One and he managed to kick the bad guy's asses and rescue all the hostages... I would vote for that guy!

Since I'm not a total idiot, I realize that the idea is just silly but when your watching that movie and he starts doing all his cool movie moves and gets the mentality of sacrificing for the good of others, you realize what a loser we have in office. Do you honestly think Dubya could get himself out of the bathroom by himself never mind defeat the bad guys and save all the innocents? Well, we do have an election coming up so there is hope for us all... maybe.

When I ask my friends who they are going to vote for, I get nervous. Everyone has the right to vote and make an educated decsion that will impact the entire world for at least the next 4 years. When their responses are something like "I would have voted for Hilary" or "I haven't decided yet" I get really scared and a little frustrated as well. Most of the people voting, do not even know where the candidates stand on issues. They are looking at skin color, still, in this day and age, there are many, many predudices, hidden but influential in people's decisions. The one response I can't get out of my head was when a friend of mine said "There's just something about Obama that I don't like. He seems sneaky." My first reaction was ... "Well, duh, he's a politician, they're all sneaky!" My next reaction was disapointment. This particular friend is a very intelligent, strong woman. I look up to her, even though she doesn't know it (shhhhh, don't tell her). I may not always agree with her but that's OK, I like differences in opinion, it makes for interesting conversations. I am afraid to talk about politics though. I don't want anyone to get angry or defensive and that's what this particular subject seems to be doing, anywhere I go.

Don't talk about the election, it upsets people. Well, that's the impression I get anyway.

The issues are never discussed. I know so many people that are just going to vote for McCain because he's as white as you can get, he's a vet and he's trying to appear as experienced and wise as my grandfather. So what if he's older than my grandfather? So what if he has been known to throw temper tantrums (anyone else remember the hissy fits that he is well known for?) Google "McCain's temper" and you get tons of articles and examples of his bouts of temper going back years. But, nothing written since Febuary of this year. Why? Is he trying to make people forget about it? Well, it's working. Society at large only has about 1 week of selective memory. We conveniently forget about things as soon as another story comes around.

So, lets take a look at some of the issues and where the two main candidates stand on them. This is just a summary that I have gathered from other election sources. Just a brief overview of the main issues. I've added my comments, not that anyone cares but that is the point of a blog isn't it?:

McCain - Supports current plan, whatever that my be... world domination?
Obama - Against it from the get go, supports capping the number of troupes and a planned withdrawl within 16 months of election.
Stephanie: I understand why we went there. I understand the responsibility we must own up to for being there. I only question the long term plan, it's hidden motives and it's global reprecussions. It must have a plan to end. Our own country needs help too.

Immigration: Both want border controls and citizenship path for current illegals in US. Obama takes it one step further by suggesting citizenship if fines and back taxes are paid. Both insist that English be learned as well (thank you!).
Stephanie: I love the melting pot that is America. I don't care about blood lines or skin color, my only peeve is the language barrier. We all should learn another language. Me, I want to learn German. They make really good beer... :)

Health Care:
McCain - supports importing perscriptions to lower costs.
Obama - supports universal health care required for children and wants the governmnent to buy perscriptions in bulk to lower costs.
Stephanie: How about Free Health Care for all, paid by the government with our taxes. Since they take 1/3 of my pay check, I shouldn't have to pay for medical and dental on top of it. People are living longer and getting sicker with weird diseases that no one knows how to cure. Restrict chemical additives in food, improve soil quality in the farm states and pay farmers to grow food that's loaded with good vitamins and minerals. I bet we all get better and can then lower health costs.

Same Sex Marriage:
McCain - opposes and says it should be a state issue
Obama - opposes marriage but supports "Civil Unions"
Stephanie: Not only do I not care about nationality or skin color, I also don't care about people's sexual preferences. As long as they don't include children or animals (can you say "death penalty"?) Everyone has the right to be happy.

McCain - Opposes - believes it is a state issue, not federal (at least it isn't a God issue)
Obama - Pro-Choice
Stephanie: Pro-Choice - touchy subject for many people. There isn't an easy answer but things like world population concerns and scarcity of natural resources has to start making people think.

Gun Control:
McCain - Supports background checks but doesnt' want to limit types of weapons.
Obama - Supports background checks and limits or restrictions on assault and automatic weapons as well as concealed weapons.
Stephanie: Background checks and training/certification for use should be norm. Too many stupid people out there.

"The Economy:
John McCain - In his 15-page economic plan, McCain says he has a comprehensive economic plan that will create millions jobs and bring relief to consumers. He says he will balance the government’s budget by the end of his first term by reducing the costs of large government programs. McCain has called for tax credits for research and development to encourage companies to be innovative while saving money.

Barack Obama - In his 48-page plan for “strengthening the middle class,” Obama says he would provide an immediate $250 tax cut for workers and their families. Obama proposed a fund to help people refinance their mortgages to avoid foreclosure and provide tax credits to help pay mortgages. He supports raising the minimum wage and increasing job training programs that would help Americans find work in occupations related to clean energy." (from

Obviously there are a few differences, some hot topics for people to chew on. In the end we all need to make an educated decision, not a color choice.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Continuing my education of the world

Well, I think I finally found a source of information that may help me to wrap my feeble brain around what the hell is going on in the world. It may take me the next 6 months to disseminate all the information into bits that sink in and start putting the pieces of the puzzle together but it's a start.

Now that I'm getting educated on the ways of the political world, I want my ignorance back, I was happier that way. Does anyone realize how screwed we all are? I know ignorance is bliss but we all need to get our heads out of our buttocks and start taking control. Screw democracy, it's hasn't existed in the US since Watergate, we are just being fed the propaganda and sucking it up like it is sweet nectar. I'm ready to start the burning bra rallies and protesting against the media's ambulance chaser mentalities (I never liked the damn bra anyway!).

Whether you are for or against the "war". No matter who you would like to vote for or who you feel you have no choice to vote for, realize that the newspapers, the TV media, the internet and you next door neighbor can't all be right. Decide for yourself, read, research and make an EDUCATED decision. You'll be surprised what you find out about things you thought you had all the answers too or the people you are about to vote for. Look at ALL the issues, not just the media blitzed ones and never, ever believe that they can't fool you into believing what they want you to believe. We are all looking for the quick, easy answer. It's only when the truth hits you square between the eyes that depression sets in and you start drinking more or buying handguns.

If you've read any of my older posts you'll know that it is a good thing I don't own a handgun. I'll stick to drinking, more fun that way.

Good site: