Friday, April 20, 2007

Global Ignorance & Bad TV

I don't know if it is a characteristic of my generation but I feel globally ignorant most of the time. I'm not intentionally ignorant, I have an education, and the student loans to prove it. I'm not sheltered, my family is very vocal and open minded about the world but there is so much crap that I have a tough time wading through it all. What to believe? I wonder if there is an "Idiot's guide to current events" or "Political Propaganda for Dummies".

It's a scary world, getting scarier as the "information age" shows us what it like to be in a "war", up close and personal. Can you imagine what the world would be like today if we had news correspondents trekking through Vietnam, reporting on all the horror and death? Would the world be the same? I don't think so. Reality seems to have a devastating effect on the overall happy factor of the general population. They would rather watch Survivor (as if you can really not "survive" on that show) or American Idol where the general populace can vote on the next teenager to influence the younger generation, at least until the next season. In my humble opinion it is all poppy cock, crapolla, just plain trash.

I don't know what to watch or what to believe anymore. I've taken to reading the European newspapers more than our own American bred propaganda. Anything is available on the internet, in some freaky instances, a little too much of "everything" if you ask me. TV sucks, newspapers are lacking the "real" story and music has more sex education in it than my high school class did. What a wonderful world.

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