Monday, April 9, 2007


Well, this should be interesting. My first Blog. Hmmmmm, what to write? So many things to rant about but so little time to waste doing it. Why bother ranting when I can just ignore the idiots and get on with my job/life? Are they worth ranting about? No. Will I feel better for lambasting them in a blog? Maybe... well, yeah I would.

First Rant: Management

Why have a Network Administrator/IT manager if you are not going to listen to her anyway? Why ask me to go to a meeting if you don't want my opinion? Why the hell should I get out of my warm bed to drag my butt work for 7am if you are going to ignore my recommendations and tell me that I don't know what the big picture is? Well, if your Network Manager doesn't know what the long term plans are, because they are top secret, how can the company expect to get the big picture? Flipping burgers at McDs is looking appealing more each day. I have to practice my "Want fries with that"?

My one saving grace is that my immediate boss is great. He understands, somewhat. He's a CFO so doesn't understand all the technical stuff but he lets me do my job with only minimal harassment and torture.

I do get a kick out of my job. The users are very entertaining, most of the time. Their little idiosyncrasies keep me laughing (usually I try to wait until AFTER I've gotten off the phone with them). I do love what I do. The potential for reckless abuse of power is very attractive to geeks like me. In the end, I only want to help, and feel good for doing it. Not much to ask for right?

Well, that's it for my first Blog. Kinda reminds me of my old diary. I type faster than I can write anyway so this may work out ok. After a couple glasses of wine, this should get REALLY interesting. :)


  1. Wow, Stephanie, you sound hot!! Can't wait to read more!

  2. Thanks Buddy. I guess it's a good thing I married you since you sound wicked hot too! :)
