Thursday, May 3, 2007

My addiction(s)

We all have addictions. For some it's food, alcohol, drugs, neopets, youtube, eBay, cat nip, toe jam, coffee...

Article excerpt "Among the less common: addiction to peanut butter. Some researchers have even suggested that there is an enzyme in peanut butter that causes people to crave it all the time.

Other strange addictions: addiction to ferrets, addiction to bananas, addiction to Styrofoam and addiction to pencils. "

Yeah, oooouuuuu Styrofoam..........wait, huh? Pencils I can see but Styrofoam?

My major addictions.... softball and my mothers eggplant parmigiana and amber jewelry
Minor addictions... girl scout cookies, the SciFi channel, my cat Quila (see picture at the top of the page), and being my bed with a good book (and/or my husband) :)

Softball is the strangest addiction. Being in NE we can only play ball from April (maybe) to October (if your lucky). The 5 or 6 months off are a depressing time for me. Not that my personality changes but my body does. Getting the muscles back into shape for playing usually takes a few weeks of stretching, practicing and figuring out how many teams I can play on in one summer. This year, I went into it with a lot of expectations for my Coventry Woman's league and the gaggle of friends I enjoy playing with. Instead, the league screwed us royally!

What now? I still have my co-ed team but I want to be on the field with my girlfriends (Cheryl, Sue & Julie) We are the ultimate core for a team in personality and talent. My girls ROCK!

Sue and Cheryl managed to bribe another team in Johnston to take them in. I think Cheryl promised to show everyone her tattoo. No room for anymore girls though, OK, I'll take up golf. ??

No offense to my husband who is dying to tech me how to play golf, but .... golf over softball? hmmm, I have to wrap my brain around that one. Can I hit a home run with that little white ball? How about pulling a double play? Nope, for me it would be a double bogey (at least) and hitting a mean slice into the water. My husband loves golf and really wants to show me how to play. I'll work my way into it since I know he enjoys it so much that we even listen to it on the radio when we're driving (snore). Baseball on the radio, yes but golf? Even the radio announcers are whispering! Makes me want to shout out "Hey batter batter... swing!"

Well, last night I went to see Sue and Cheryl play their first game. As murphy's law would have it, I didn't bring my equipment (it's always in my truck but Cheryl picked me up last night) and I was asked to play since they didn't have enough girls show up. So, work clothes, and the coaches glove and off I go. It was one heck of a game. Cheryl was a mad woman on the mound and an Ortiz wannabe at the plate. You go girl! Sue and I held our own. It was more of a pleasure to be on the field with my girls and a fantastic team. I'm still juiced up and soooooo sore that I can't sneeze or I'll pass out.

In the end, the coach asked me to come back. The girls are together again! Now we have to get Julie for next year. This year she is torturing our old team in Coventry by playing for another team. They play against each other Sunday. We're going to go cheer Julie on and hassle the old team by throwing rotten veggies at em.

I love my addictions.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Originally I was shooting a "boogie" instead of a bogey. My husband was kind enough to correct me and remind me that his addiction is shooting boogies (sick manly habit... aka "snot rockets"). Major Gross, with a gag reflex thrown in for good measure

  3. So....
    I need to ask..

    Do you wear a cup?


  4. Yes Ray... a D cup, now clean up your mind or I'm telling your girlfriend!

