Friday, May 11, 2007

Continuing my education of the world

Well, I think I finally found a source of information that may help me to wrap my feeble brain around what the hell is going on in the world. It may take me the next 6 months to disseminate all the information into bits that sink in and start putting the pieces of the puzzle together but it's a start.

Now that I'm getting educated on the ways of the political world, I want my ignorance back, I was happier that way. Does anyone realize how screwed we all are? I know ignorance is bliss but we all need to get our heads out of our buttocks and start taking control. Screw democracy, it's hasn't existed in the US since Watergate, we are just being fed the propaganda and sucking it up like it is sweet nectar. I'm ready to start the burning bra rallies and protesting against the media's ambulance chaser mentalities (I never liked the damn bra anyway!).

Whether you are for or against the "war". No matter who you would like to vote for or who you feel you have no choice to vote for, realize that the newspapers, the TV media, the internet and you next door neighbor can't all be right. Decide for yourself, read, research and make an EDUCATED decision. You'll be surprised what you find out about things you thought you had all the answers too or the people you are about to vote for. Look at ALL the issues, not just the media blitzed ones and never, ever believe that they can't fool you into believing what they want you to believe. We are all looking for the quick, easy answer. It's only when the truth hits you square between the eyes that depression sets in and you start drinking more or buying handguns.

If you've read any of my older posts you'll know that it is a good thing I don't own a handgun. I'll stick to drinking, more fun that way.

Good site:

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