Friday, May 11, 2007

The Flag

It's taken over 3 years but I've finally noticed my neighbors flag in their front yard. Nice tall flag pole, big beautiful flag complete with spotlight at night. That's what I really noticed, the spotlight. Not that it was shining in my house or anything but usually our shades are down by dark, when their spotlight lights up the flag. It's a beautiful view, seriously.

I never realized what the flag represented until 9/11. That day, I saw America, United, One Nation, united in our grief, unified in our anger, righteous in our hatred and ready, for the perfect, the ultimate, vindication of our victimization. We were viciously attacked, without provocation, without any warning. 3,000+, dead... ... Oh My God. ... ... why?

That's what I remember feeling and thinking that morning. The horror, the sadness, the uncertainty of what was to be next, the fact that it was wasn't even lunch time yet. This was going to be a very long day. A day of calls checking on family and friends, watching the news on line, talking to co-workers. Did you know anyone? Wait, where's Joe? He was flying out today. What do you think is going to happen next? Another plane? ... Oh MY GOD?!

Osama, yeah, that's the guy, he did it. We'll get em. Really? How scary is it to now realize that your own government may have been the Osama of that day? oh my god. please, no. Wait, ok, my blinders are in place, I'll be ok. Just don't look.

That's how I begin to grasp my new World.

So many years later and we still are trying to figure out what is true and what is false. The age of computers and the internet and we still don't know when someone is lying. We still want to believe, at least I know I do, that we are all honest, good people. The pursuit of happiness and all that jive. One for all and all for one. The amount of money I have does not dictate what I am or who I want to be. It should only be the means to a happy life. The culmination of good deeds and a generous spirit. Love your fellow man. At least know and accept they neighbor, no matter the differences. A bomb won't help to get your point accepted.

To accept that money and greed has replaced the gift of love and life is hard. The realization that our own values and morality are being made a joke of by the same people who represent US as a nation and a peoples is absolutely frightening. I know that we are misled, lied to and basically treated like sheep lead to a slaughter but what happens now?

My generation is use to being lied to. do you think we honesty believed Clinton? What is the definition of IS, indeed.... Come on. We laughed when the stain on the dress hit the eBay listings. We made jokes about Al Gore and his miraculous invention of the Internet. George jr. was the icing on the cake. The son following in Daddy's footsteps. Broccoli anyone? Joke after joke. Hey, I wasn't into Voting, who was? Who cares? Nothing serious enough for me to pay attention until I had to start paying taxes.

Sad, I know but look where I'm (we're) coming from for a moment. Born 1972, okay, 35 (and looking good :) , 70's, too young to have any clue. 80's, ages 8 - 18... Ronald Regan. Even Chernobyl couldn't daunt our vision of the future. Need I say more? We were happy in the 80's, admit it. The "evil empire" caved under Reagan's savy negotiation with the guy with the coffee stain on his head (coffee, coffee, coffee, cfoofoee)...sorry... ummm.. oh yeah... Nancy was all about Saying No to drugs but then saying yes to $5000 dresses. I'll give her points for having the strength to deal with Ronnie in his later years and breast issues in her later years. The lady should run for President... someday, after Hilary.... way after Hilary. That chick is giving women a bad name.... tame that tramp of a husband or leave his ass in the dust... moving on...

The 90's ... no more broccoli, heheheh puking on the Japanese guy.... hahah, wait... do they have nukes?

So, what happens while we're laughing and thinking the world is one happy love fest? The internet, journalist in tanks, oil wells exploding and gas prices skyrocketing (which at our level, compared to the environmentally conscious world is pitiful... but still...) it's time to wake up.

War. Our war. The war that WE brought to the world. Time to wake up.

Continuing my education of the world

Well, I think I finally found a source of information that may help me to wrap my feeble brain around what the hell is going on in the world. It may take me the next 6 months to disseminate all the information into bits that sink in and start putting the pieces of the puzzle together but it's a start.

Now that I'm getting educated on the ways of the political world, I want my ignorance back, I was happier that way. Does anyone realize how screwed we all are? I know ignorance is bliss but we all need to get our heads out of our buttocks and start taking control. Screw democracy, it's hasn't existed in the US since Watergate, we are just being fed the propaganda and sucking it up like it is sweet nectar. I'm ready to start the burning bra rallies and protesting against the media's ambulance chaser mentalities (I never liked the damn bra anyway!).

Whether you are for or against the "war". No matter who you would like to vote for or who you feel you have no choice to vote for, realize that the newspapers, the TV media, the internet and you next door neighbor can't all be right. Decide for yourself, read, research and make an EDUCATED decision. You'll be surprised what you find out about things you thought you had all the answers too or the people you are about to vote for. Look at ALL the issues, not just the media blitzed ones and never, ever believe that they can't fool you into believing what they want you to believe. We are all looking for the quick, easy answer. It's only when the truth hits you square between the eyes that depression sets in and you start drinking more or buying handguns.

If you've read any of my older posts you'll know that it is a good thing I don't own a handgun. I'll stick to drinking, more fun that way.

Good site:

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee

Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee...

Did you ever notice that if you type a word enough times you begin to doubt how it is spelled?

Did you ever wonder ....

If the professor on Gilligan's Island could make a radio out of coconut, why couldn't he fix the hole in the boat?

Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the car pool lane?

If Wile E. Coyote, from the Road Runner, had enough money to buy all that ACME crap, why didn't he just order take out?

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests? hehehehe

Sorry, too much cooffee... coughfee.... coughfree... cofe... coffee

Monday, May 7, 2007

The mystery of computers & their users

User Friendly the Comic Strip - The Daily Static

I love this comic strip. I've been reading it for years and I even go into the archives to check out the really old stuff every now and then. The geek in me really loves the dark humor and the anti-Microsoft attitude that the characters have. The most recent strips have been goofing on the Marketing guy (who loves anything Microsoft) who hasn't backed up his hard drive, ever, and of course, it crashes. The geek lectures him and makes fun of him, only to go back to his own desk to find his own hard drive has crashed and, well, I'm sure you can figure it out from there.

A very timely comic for me right now. A major concern for any computer guru is backing up data. Hard drives don't crash often but when they do it is always a problem for the geek and the user. As a geek with a heart (deep down, it's in there somewhere) I love to help those in need of geek services. Sometimes it's as easy as informing people what is going on in the virus/hacker/information highway traffic jam world we live in. Other times it's helping those who think I'm a goddess of inspiring intellect figure out why their home computers are flashing pornographic pop up windows when all they want to do is to place their Pea Pod order. A few simple questions for everyone to consider:

1. Do you have virus protection? What's that you say? Well, that answers my question.
2. Do you have children who access the internet? Yes, but they're good kids, they don't go to any "bad" sites.... yeah, ok, how about you or your husband/wife... hmmmmm? Curiosity killed the dog you know (Sorry, I'm a cat lover)
3. Do you leave your computer on at night? Most people say yes. This is a bad habit. Kinda like leaving your keys in your car all the time. Sure, send out an invitation to take your computer out for a joy ride. Free reign for all for those little 14 year old geeks who like to hack into vunerable, innocent computers at 2 in the morning. Don't you realize that the little hacker wannabees accross the globe can get into your system while you're sleeping? Turn the damn thing off. Take an extra 2 minutes to boot your computer when you need it.
4. Wireless in your house? Yes? Is it secure? Of course not, silly me.
5. Have you backed up your data lately? Burn CDs, save to floppies, anything, just make a point to do it ever few months or so, at least.

Well, I can't tell you how many computers I work on in the course of a day. I have 180 PCs at work plus 180 users and their home computers. I love my job, most days anyway.

Time for me to turn off the spiffy new laptop I bought for my husband. I wonder if he realized that he's been taking an empty laptop bag to work. He has a habit of carrying more bags to work than most women. Maybe my next rant will be about habits... that could be very interesting. Don't worry, I love my husband deeply, I'll try not to pick on his habits too much. :)

Thursday, May 3, 2007

My addiction(s)

We all have addictions. For some it's food, alcohol, drugs, neopets, youtube, eBay, cat nip, toe jam, coffee...

Article excerpt "Among the less common: addiction to peanut butter. Some researchers have even suggested that there is an enzyme in peanut butter that causes people to crave it all the time.

Other strange addictions: addiction to ferrets, addiction to bananas, addiction to Styrofoam and addiction to pencils. "

Yeah, oooouuuuu Styrofoam..........wait, huh? Pencils I can see but Styrofoam?

My major addictions.... softball and my mothers eggplant parmigiana and amber jewelry
Minor addictions... girl scout cookies, the SciFi channel, my cat Quila (see picture at the top of the page), and being my bed with a good book (and/or my husband) :)

Softball is the strangest addiction. Being in NE we can only play ball from April (maybe) to October (if your lucky). The 5 or 6 months off are a depressing time for me. Not that my personality changes but my body does. Getting the muscles back into shape for playing usually takes a few weeks of stretching, practicing and figuring out how many teams I can play on in one summer. This year, I went into it with a lot of expectations for my Coventry Woman's league and the gaggle of friends I enjoy playing with. Instead, the league screwed us royally!

What now? I still have my co-ed team but I want to be on the field with my girlfriends (Cheryl, Sue & Julie) We are the ultimate core for a team in personality and talent. My girls ROCK!

Sue and Cheryl managed to bribe another team in Johnston to take them in. I think Cheryl promised to show everyone her tattoo. No room for anymore girls though, OK, I'll take up golf. ??

No offense to my husband who is dying to tech me how to play golf, but .... golf over softball? hmmm, I have to wrap my brain around that one. Can I hit a home run with that little white ball? How about pulling a double play? Nope, for me it would be a double bogey (at least) and hitting a mean slice into the water. My husband loves golf and really wants to show me how to play. I'll work my way into it since I know he enjoys it so much that we even listen to it on the radio when we're driving (snore). Baseball on the radio, yes but golf? Even the radio announcers are whispering! Makes me want to shout out "Hey batter batter... swing!"

Well, last night I went to see Sue and Cheryl play their first game. As murphy's law would have it, I didn't bring my equipment (it's always in my truck but Cheryl picked me up last night) and I was asked to play since they didn't have enough girls show up. So, work clothes, and the coaches glove and off I go. It was one heck of a game. Cheryl was a mad woman on the mound and an Ortiz wannabe at the plate. You go girl! Sue and I held our own. It was more of a pleasure to be on the field with my girls and a fantastic team. I'm still juiced up and soooooo sore that I can't sneeze or I'll pass out.

In the end, the coach asked me to come back. The girls are together again! Now we have to get Julie for next year. This year she is torturing our old team in Coventry by playing for another team. They play against each other Sunday. We're going to go cheer Julie on and hassle the old team by throwing rotten veggies at em.

I love my addictions.