Wednesday, September 19, 2007

So, who have you killed today?

I'm making a list, checking it twice, it's a naughty list and has nothing to do with being nice. Nice isn't the norm anymore. It seems the "thing" now is naughty, nasty and downright mean. The more of a jerk you are the better you feel and that is just plain sad.

It's not really hard to be nice, well, some days it's a bit more difficult than others, granted but still think of all the bad Karma that being mean will bring down on your head. Didn't you ever hear the saying that it takes 33 muscles to frown but only 13 to smile? Well that's a load of whoey. No one really knows how many muscles it takes but I do know it only takes one finger to really piss someone off.

My grandmother caught me flipping the bird to someone one day and she scolded me for it. She then proceeded to tell me that it wasn't lady like to flip the bird, it's much better to blow kisses. I can vouch for what my grandmother said, it is much more effective to blow kisses, it pisses people off even more. Why I would take a little joy in that, I don't know. Consider it the bitch in me but if you cut me off on the highway and you don't use your blinkers or if you decide that you are going to make me drive 40 in a 65 mph zone, expect the kiss of death.

I've always said that it is a good thing I don't own a gun. I would be on the run from the law by now just for killing all the idiots on the road. I've even started to time how long it takes for me to swear at someone when I leave my house in the morning. Not a good thing when I can't get 5 minutes away before I start flinging F bombs around. I really must clean my mouth out, as grandma would say, it's just not lady like but damn it feels good!

The only way I can avoid the added stress of driving to or from work is to listen to a book on CD. I find I'm not as angry that someone cuts me off or can't figure out which lane they want to take so why not take both?. It only works if I'm enjoying the book. I can say that there are a few scratches on Audio CDs due to me flinging them into the back of my truck because I'm annoyed at the characters or the author. Sometimes listening to some stupid bimbo character, with skimpy undies, walk into a dark field where she heard a serial killer stalking around just makes me want to strangle the author. It's a bit different when I'm reading the book. It doesn't seem to be as stupid for some reason, maybe because I can skip pages or just burn the book in my fire pit. Simple joys.

Well, what I'm really getting at is that life is too short. Be nice to people. A simple thing for you to do but it means a lot to the people receiving the gesture (and I don't mean the finger). Smile. Say Hi and look people in the eye. You never know but that smile may travel for days. You smile, they smile, someone else smiles and so on. Not hard huh?

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