Thursday, June 7, 2007

The dreaded sickness

Well, sickness reigns across the land. No man or woman shall be left unscathed or without tissue. Mucus flowing is every direction and pulled rib muscles stretching beyond their intended function. For 1 solid week the flu resided in my house AND my work. Everyone and everything was sick. I think even my cats were ill. It seemed like spiting up and wiping noses was the only activity that anyone was partaking in. 3 boxes of Puffs Plus between my husband and myself (I’m sure my cats stole some too) in 5 days.

Side Note: I just wanted to thank the makers of Puff Plus, actually my nose would like to thank them. It’s still attached to my face because of that lovely lotion they put in their tissue.

Now that we are all feeling better, time to get back on track. I’ve decided to go the homeopathic route from now on. The ionized silver that my Aunt Eve brought me really is the way to go. My husband got an antibiotic and a steroid from his doctor and he is taking longer to get better than I am. From what I’ve been reading, there are many different versions of the ionized silver. My aunt Eve gave us “Silva Solution” by Trimedica. A 1oz shot a day and I’m good to go. It tastes like water, which I guess doesn’t have a taste, depending on the town you live in. This stuff is amazing, not only does it work better than antibiotics but it can be used externally for cuts and even sun burn. I haven’t gone as far as that, I was just happy to get rid of the mucus.

I’ve tried other homeopathic stuff in the past. Sometimes the “rules” are a little difficult deal with and the pills are so small you have to wonder, in this “Bigger is Better” society of ours, will they really work? I normally don’t take any types of meds, if I don’t really need to. I can deal with a headache or sore muscles. I honestly believe that all the chemicals we put in our body on a daily basis (food, drink, breathing) are going to either preserve our bodies for hundreds of years or destroy the earth so it won’t matter if I’ve got the flu or not. Just make me another martini and I’ll feel better (right Cheryl?).

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